Dear Family,
Well, I wasn’t transferred. That’s how I will start off the email! One more in Guarapari. I am having a great time here, it is very hot and the work is very hard, but other than that it has been great here! Our branch continues to grow each week and we have a lot of people coming to church. Not investigators, just members. We don’t have any investigators, which is difficult, but we need to start somewhere right? It was funny we had a zone conference this week and during carnival there was a lot of just craziness here. And we said you know what, it’s carnival so we need to go back to the house, there isn’t any work to do today. But a zone leader said that if a teaching group moves find another teaching group. But we are going to find a lot of people to baptize this transfer.
I am doing fine. My weight has evened out a little bit. I stopped losing weight, so that’s good. I will tell you what though, a mission is the most tiring thing ever. I am just always tired. I’ve really gotten better though, I don’t fall asleep during lessons now. Knock on wood ha. I’m glad Brevin and Le are getting really big. That’s neat. They’re going to be huge when I get home. I’m glad Lecia is taking guitar lessons. I always wanted to play the guitar, but mom just told me no (from Mom – this is not true).
Well I’m doing fine spiritually and emotionally. But it’s difficult. The lady we baptized told the other dupla (companionship) that she never stopped smoking or drinking coffee so idk what is happening with her it’s very difficult. I just want her to be firm in the church you know. I want her to feel these blessings that we have.
So I’m so glad that everything at home is good. Everything here is great. Just working hard. I’m going on 8 months this month. That’s crazy! I remember 6 months and now 8 in Guarapari and I might even talk to you in the same place on Mother’s Day. I am so happy that I’m here on a mission. It is the greatest choice ever. I recommend it for everyone. I love the scripture Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven”. I love it because in this chapter Jesus is talking to his disciples and he talks about a lot of things, but here he says to let our light shine not to hide it and every member has a light in side of them and if they let it shine I know God will bless them. I love My mission. I love my family. I love my mom. I’m so glad I decided to come. I know now that I’m here for the right reason.
Have a great week
Elder Pellegrini
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